Gotta capture the memories!
February 12, 2012
Wolf packs, secret locations, & blaze attacks!

Praxis' wolves - note the sign. Secret portal room in the safe house.

Glass bridge to the Nether fortress Twin falls - lava and water!

Path to Praxis' Netherworld pad Dante's Inferno has nothing on this place!

Phisa and a zombie pig man chat Pig Man kisses Praxis!

Blaze attack! The brave heroes battle on!
February 13, 2012
Learning New Tricks!

Looking through the pumpkin mask Phisa near the enchanted book table he made

It's snowing at Terra's place! Phisa with George the Third in the Nether
February 14, 2012
Nothing says love like exploring the Underworld!

MissColby joins the Grims in the portal room. How do we get to the Nether through this portal?
February 18, 2012
Personal triumphs!

Phisa creates a Silverfish! Terra finds the village and makes a marker

What's better than 1? 2 Silverfish! Terra faces an Ender!
February 19, 2012
The PvP Battle Arena!

Team Red and Team Blue fight on the field! Watching the players from the Spectator Spot!
Phisagrim and Terragrim jointly fight an Ender.
February 20, 2012
Family Day Building Projects!

Facing Phisa on the improved Battle Frontier! The Wilderness Trading Post, made by Ter&Lir

Fighting Terragrim one-on-one Phisagrim's Snack Shack - cake anyone?
February 21, 2012
Lightning, villages and battle grounds

A villager is stuck in a well! Get Lassie! MissC and Terra fight in the new PvP arena
February 22, 2012
Amazing objects!

Praxis' house in the clouds with twin falls Enchanting my sword!
March 3, 2012
First Explosion!

A lunar eclipse! Terra found a second NPC village!

A view of our soon-to-be-destroyed house. Attacked by 4 zombies at the same time!
Phisagrim uses sponge to sop up the water
March 6, 2012
The new updates!

Terra, Phisa, and our brand new Iron Golem! A baby villager!

A zombie tries to break down the door! Terragrim reassures frightened village folk.

My loyal dog attacks an archer. Terragrim looks at my adorable puppy!
One of the many photos of my PUPPY!
March 7, 2012
Liragrim's first invention!

Mid-way through - pistons not right It's finished and it works! Thanks MC!
March 11, 2012
TDSB Server Visit

Terra and Phisa, sans armor The partly destroyed Grim Safe House.
March 12, 2012
New doors

Iron door with instructions for opening Good door but still vulnerable to attack
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