
Photo Gallery 3

Page history last edited by TingLeditor@gmail.com 12 years, 11 months ago

Do you get the feeling the Grims like to take a lot of photos?


January 20, 2012

Discovering new spaces!



Lira's house, damaged by creeper attack.                    Fighting in the dungeon near the monster spawner!



Found my stuff after I died.                                   Terra found this cool house!



The sign in the discovered house.                         Terra found these "troll people" in a village.



The troll people look stern but seem harmless.          Terra's dog shakes water off his fur after a swim.


January 21, 2012

A plethora of pets!



Phisa's new skin                                                 Just some of Phisa's wolves.



Outdoor shots of Peter and the (7) wolves!               Terra and Phisa together.



Terra riding a pig.                                                       Here's my mount wearing his saddle.



Purple sheep, courtesy of Phisa.                         Terra and her wolf companion show me the desert.



Under the waterfall with Phisa, seeing Terra.               A grey sheep - I had never seen one before.


Phisa attacks the creeper, just before it kills his pets.


January 22, 2012

Lira builds! 



Lira learns to build a bridge across water                    The house sign now reads "Liragrim" 


January 23-24, 2012

Inside and outside 



Liragrim's furniture (January 23, 2012) made with tips.     Snow in the world! (January 24, 2012) 


January 25, 2012

The Grims experiment with weather and spawners! 



Ice forms on the lake                                                       Pig spawner in the former chicken pen 


January 27, 2012




Terra jumps on the bed in her new house               Terra stands next to Phisa's racetrack 


January 28, 2012

Fight, fight, fight!



The middle of our snowball fight                                   Phisa sets Lira on fire and Terra watches


January 31, 2012

Snow Golems, Signs and "Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom"!



Phisa's gold sign (above Lira's house)                    Terra's wolf kills a pig


     Phisa and Terra with Jay the snow golem


February 4, 2012

The Deep Hole Challenge



The sign at the hole's entrance.                                        The sign challenging us to descend.



The sign at the foot of the current hole.                              Phisa's cannon.


February 6, 2012

First forays through the portal & a Phisa-quest



Phisa & his wolf near the new portal                         A Ghast shoots fireballs at me



Liragrim aims her arrow at a creeper!                         Terra finds the first of Phisa's hidden signs


     Liragrim faces a zombie pig man!


February 7, 2012

Exploring a new server



Phisa and Lira, sans armour, in the other safehouse.     Terra poses with a villager she found in the other server.


February 9, 2012

Voyage to the Netherworld!



Phisa holds glowstone.                                             The Nether and non-working Aether portals



Majestic Praxis, lord of the flames                              Praxis and George the pet nether slime.


February 11, 2012

Lira and Phisa: Nether Blow Out!



George the 2nd!                                             Battling a Ghast



At the entrance to our NetherHome, under attack.          A zombie Pigman wants to live with me!

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