
Research Resources

Page history last edited by Colby 13 years ago

This page is for any books, articles, links, or research that deals with gaming. If time, we can give a brief summary and editorial comment for each resource (i.e. "this is awful!")

(By the way, if you are interested, I'm using APA formating, but we don't need to be this formal. I'm trying to practice my APA because I'm so terrible at it and I need to know how to do it for my other academic research project.)


Weir, L. (2008). Wii love learning: Using gaming technology to engage students. Edutopia.org  Retrieved April 25, 2011, from www.edutopia.org/ikid-wii-gaming-technology-classroom


Neiburger, E. (2007). Games ... in the library? School Library Journal 53(7), 28-?. Retrieved July 3, 2010 from ProQuest Education Journals.


Nicholson, S. (2008). Finish your games so you can start your schoolwork: A look at gaming in school libraries. Library Media Connection 26(5), 52-55.


Sanford, K. (2008). Videogames in the library? What is the world coming to? School Libraries Worldwide 14(2), 83-89. Retrieved July 3, 2010 from ProQuest Education Journals.


Lipschultz, D. (2009). Gaming @ your library. American Libraries. 40(1-2), 40-45. Retrieved March 7, 2010 from ProQuest Education Journals.


Hutchison, D. (2009). Video games: Ideas for teaching and library media links. School Library Media Activities Monthly. 25(7), 56-59. Retrieved July 3, 2010 from ProQuest Education Journals.


Nicholson, S (2010). Everyone Plays at the Library: Creating Great Gaming Experiences for All Ages. ?: Information Today Inc.


Gallaway, B (2008). Game on: Gaming at the Library. ? Neal-Schuman Publishers.


Maliszewski, D (2011). Wii have fun and learn. School Library Journal. 57(6), 16-17.


Preston, C. (2006) A 'serious' direction for video games. ABC News. Retrieved July 13, 2006 from http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/print?id=1255811


Barnes, B (2007). Web playgrounds of the very young. New York Times December 31. Retrieved January 3, 2008 from www.nytimes.com/2007/12/31/business/31virtual.html


(2007). Webkinz: Waste of money or learning opportunity? Retrieved January 3, 2008 from www.cleverdude.com/content/webkinz-waste-of-money-or-learning-opportunity


Best Practices for Using Games and Simulations in the Classroom. www.siia.net


Laird, Sam (2012). Farmville for Change: New York Times Columnist to Launch Social Game. Mashable Retrieved January 12 2012 http://mashable.com/2012/01/11/kristof-farmville/ 

          I thought this was and interesting -short- article that draws attention to how games can be used to effect change 



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