
Gaming Educators

Page history last edited by liamodonnell 11 years ago

GamingEdus sign


GamingEdus has moved! Find us at: gamingedus.org


We're still helping teachers get their game on. It's all just happening at: gamingedus.org.


Jump on over and see what we're up to and how you can join us!



Two Minecraft Servers, Endless Possibilities


All servers are generously hosted by the EDGE Lab at Ryerson University in Toronto.


Server #1:

Professional Play Server


The Professional Play server is for educators and their families to learn the game for themselves outside of school. The server is open 24/7 and we play in the evenings and on weekends, where we create, play and have fun.


This server is open to teachers and education workers who want to learn more about Minecraft or just have a fun, safe kid-friendly server to play on.


This server is ideal for educators who:

  • have never played Minecraft and want to learn in safe, fun environment

  • have played Minecraft and want to connect with other educators 

  • want a safe, kid-friendly server for their families to play Minecraft


Want to Join the Professional Learning Server?


Just fill out the White List Request Form  and you'll be playing and learning with us in no time.


Server #2:

Multi-School Minecraft Student Server


The Multi-School Server is for teachers using Minecraft with their students in a school or learning setting.


Please note: It is completely separate from the Professional Play Server.


The Multi-School Student server is one virtual world, currently shared by over 30 students from three schools across the Toronto District School Board. We're looking to add more schools from more boards anywhere in the world, so if this sounds interesting, read on.


Check out our 2012 Multi-School Server Wiki, to see the amazing student work. Watch a Tour of the Multi-School Minecraft Server.


This server is ideal for Educators using Minecraft with their students and who want:

  • someone else to take care of setting up and managing a server

  • a multi-player server space for their students at no cost (no monthly fees, etc)

  • their students to play, connect and collaborate with students in other schools around the country


Want to Join the Multi-School Minecraft Student Server?


Contact Liam at: gamingedus@gmail.com for more information.


Please note: Because the Multi-School Student server is an open, learning community, we ask interested teachers to first play with us on our Professional Play server. Fill out the White List Request Form and we can talk more while we dodge creepers. It'll be fun!


How to Start Playing Minecraft in School


Getting Started in Minecraft: From Zero to Punching Wood  - From buying the game to playing multiplayer, a step by step guide for beginners.

Joining the GamingEdus Server - Total Minecraft n00b? Come play with us!

Setting Up a School Server - The basics on starting a server at your school.

Organizing Student Minecraft Accounts - How to purchase, activate and coordinate your students' accounts.


Why Play Minecraft in School?

Messy Learning with Minecraft - Disasters, drownings and much learning on a first day playing Minecraft in school. 

Warning: Using Minecraft in class could result in spontaneous, self-directed learning - How a group of students carried their Minecraft learning through the summer and beyond.

Five Ways Minecraft can Boost Writing Skills - Just some of the ways you can use Minecraft to get students writing.


More Stuff Inside:


Liam's Minecraft Journal - Latest Minecraft posts from Liam O'Donnell

Whitelist Request Form - Fill this out if you'd like to join our GamingEdus server.

Server Info  - How to log into the Gaming Edus server.

GamingEdus Server Basics - Video tutorials on how to do stuff on the server.

Server Map - Get a bird's eye view of what we're building.

Who We Are - Meet the teachers behind the avatars.


Presentations and Workshops


Want to show off examples of how Minecraft can work in schools? Need to convince a decision-maker to give gaming in the classroom a try? We're here to help.


Our presentation, Play with TNT and Other Lessons from Minecraft, explores the successes and challenges of using Minecraft in school. We also outline the reasons why schools, libraries and other learning groups should give video games a chance with their learners.


Recently, we have presented about gaming in the classroom and our Minecraft projects at the ECOO 2012, OLA 2013 Super Conference and The Academy of the Impossible.


We have also appeared on the Teachers Teaching Teachers and TL Virtual Cafe webcasts and presented webinars on gaming and learning to Teacher Candidates in Canada and abroad.


We would be very happy to speak to your group, either in real life or virtually. Contact us if you'd like us to speak to your group.














Join the GamingEdus Server


Interested in checking out Minecraft for yourself? Want to play with other educators and their families in a safe and equitable community? The Professional Play server is the server for you.


Fill out the Whitelist Request form to get started!


GamingEdus Twitter:

Follow us on Twitter




GamingEdus Tumblr:

Follow us on Tumblr!


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We also blog here:

Feeding Change  - Liam O'Donnell's thoughts on technology, learning and writing

Random Gaming Musings - Denise Colby talks, gaming, learning and geeking out

Family Gaming XP - Diana Maliszewski shares her family's love for gaming.


Tour the GamingEdus Professional Play Server



Tour the Multi-School Minecraft Server



See more video tours & tutorials on the GamingEdus Youtube channel.


Scenes from Our Servers



Check out all the server fun, in the GamingEdus flickr photostream.













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